Happy Friday!

This girl LOVES Fridays! I was so excited for Friday today that I got
up at 4:12am before my alarm clock went off! Who does that?!?
Unfortunately for me, my running body did not match my enthusiastic
perspective this morning.

The night before a long, early morning run I always check the weather
forecast and lay out my running gear accordingly. This saves me from
shuffling through the drawers and closet to find my stuff and waking
my darling four year old who doesn’t care that mommy needs to run nine
miles before we begin our day! Last night, Aaden stayed at his papas
so I didn’t need to worry about waking him but I still found myself
tip toeing around and using my IPhone as a flashlight. I dressed
myself, laced up my sneaks and began out the door. I started to
lightly jog as I clicked my watch on to begin recording my time and
pace. Just as I looked down at my watch I realized that I had forgot
to put my contacts in. So, for another 15 seconds of forward jogging
I contemplated whether I really needed my contacts….. YES REEGAN, you
need your contacts- you’re practically blind!

The first mile was a great warm up mile at a 9:30 minute pace per
mile. It was dark and fairly quiet with the exception of
a few crazy peeps walking the streets (I carry pepper spray-they
better not mess with me). The next six miles would be at my target
marathon pace which I haven’t quite determined yet but decided to go
at about a 9:00 minute per mile pace. By mile five my belly was
growling and I had four more miles to go. Thankfully, I packed two
Bloks energy chews in a plastic baggie stuffed into my sports bra.
I’m just learning how to eat something while I’m running and have
found it to be quite the challenge! I have to chew a bit and park it
into the side of my mouth so I can breathe for a few seconds before I
begin chewing again all the while trying not to choke. It usually
takes me close to ten minutes before I’ve chewed the entire berry,
berry Blok!

The last two miles were cool down miles and I brought my stride back
to a 9:30 minute per mile pace. By now it was light outside and for
the first time in a while, I couldn’t wait for my run to be over. I
looked down at my watch every quarter of a mile hoping that it had
been further than that. I worked hard to remain in good posture by
shaking my arms out, bringing my shoulders back, and pushing my chest
out to refrain from hunching over my tired upper body. I finished the
run strong and spent ten minutes walking to cool down. I felt
grateful that I had pushed through the negative thoughts and reached
my goal for the day.

After stretching out, I stood in the kitchen with my mother drinking
coffee and I explained to her that I wasn’t lovin’ my run this morning
the way I usually do. Her response to me was “It’s not easy being
you, Reegan. You were out running nine miles while the rest of the
world was drooling in bed”. Although I know several other inspiring
runners and exercisers that were out doing their thing this morning, I
tried hard not to pee my pants with laugher. I knew it was going to
be a Happy Friday and all the more because my nine mile run was

Workout: 1 mile warm-up, 6 miles @ MP, 2 mile cool-down.
Time: 1:22:13
Distance: 9.03 miles
Pace: 9:06 per mile


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