Your best. That is your superpower.

 Now I know what the deep breathing in pregnancy class is all about.

It isn’t the actual childbirth that is the hardest part of parenting.  Actually, you may see that as a total slice of cake in comparison to what comes next.  I have said many times before and referenced the beautiful quote by Elizabeth Stone “Making the decision to have a child - it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body”.  This couldn’t be truer, and every stage brings with it new forms of heart palpitations that you must navigate as strategically as possible with the very little “expertise” that you think you must have which leads to insecurity and questioning (big A waste of time). 

How many times as momma do you question if this is the right thing?  “What should I do if….” “How should I talk to my son about….” “What should I say to that mom about….”  “what’s the best way to handle…” “What are the best questions to ask afterschool to engage in deep conversation about….” “When is the right time to talk about…”.  FYI—your male teen is NOT going to engage in deep conversation with you about anything.  It doesn’t matter how hard you work it.  Sorry, babe!

Maybe you’re a mother unicorn and you don’t question yourself but I sure as heck do!  Last night I googled “How do you handle the death of a small pet” In combination with the good ole’ advice from the internet and my very own instincts (gee wouldn’t you know), we were decorating a burial box at 3:00a and I was digging a hole to host a memorial service at 7:30a for our beloved hamster, Taco.  I don’t know about you but parenting class didn’t ever prepare me for THAT!

The truth is you don’t have to have all the right answers.  You just have to be willing to do your best and your best looks different from my best, her best, and their best.  Your instincts and your ability to get through every obstacle with an open mind and heart….. momma, that is your superpower.

Now take a deep breath and keep changing the world-- one conversation, one handled situation, one engaged and loved child at a time because you are one Bad Mother.  XOXO


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