The Silver Lining
This morning when I opened my eyes, I immediately realized it was later than I normally get up. The sky was completely lit up and a sense of panic took over. I grabbed for my handy dandy Iphone which typically bings an alarm at 5AM for me each morning to realize it was turned off and for some reason wouldn’t turn on?!?! I knew I had an important meeting in my office, which mind you is a 20-25 minute drive from our town, that started promptly at 8am.
7:03AM?!?!? Oh my goodness! Aaden will need to be ready and dropped off at school in 25 minutes, sharp and he’s still freaking sleeping!!! I haven’t washed my hair for three days(my husband is cringing) and the dry shampoo is good but not THAT good…. Three options crossed my mind:
Option 1: Call my boss and tell him I’m running late- not a terrible option but my freaking phone wont turn on! Darn it, what’s wrong with the charger?!?! What’s wrong with the phone?!?
Option 2: Call in sick- I do feel like my throat is a little scratchy, cough cough(sense the BS on that one??). But it’s Friday and I’m not sick and I love Fridays!
Option 3: Pull up my big girl pants, get my rear in the shower and wash my freaking hair! I can do without the blow dry, curling and make-up for one day, right???
Deep breath, momma, you’ve freaking got this! By 7:10am I’m downstairs coaching my 9 year old to wake-up and get ready. Listen readers, I promise you that I was doing it in a way that his morning didn’t start with complete chaos. He had showered the night before and I had lunch packed so I knew the most important things were clothes, teeth getting brushed, good morning hugs and kisses and a healthy breakfast. Things like making his bed, organizing his Grossery Gang figures, laying on the bathroom floor for 20 minutes after his shower, etc. would have to be put on the “not happening” list this morning.
We were pulling out of the driveway at 7:28am, fully dressed, happy and ready to take this Friday head on. I dropped Aaden off at the typical time I do each morning, he was happy, fully dressed, carrying a healthy packed lunchbag, and ready for his day. I pulled into my office at 7:58am, fully dressed, and ready to take on this day to learn that the 8am meeting was cancelled. For realz……
Dear Universe- thank you for the minor chaos thing morning. I know you did this to me to help me realize the amazing that I am capable of as a woman, a mom, and a professional when I just choose to pull up my big girl pants, or should I say, clip on my superwoman cape and MAKE IT HAPPEN!

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