Shameless Mom
Top 4 Lessons of 2018:
#1. This girl has got to sweat- I’m a sufferer of
anxiety, I have A LOT of energy and I really like caffeine. While
there is great advantages to having lots of energy and feeling like superwomen
after just the right amount of morning coffee, there’s also a lot of downfall
to having anxiety, too much caffeine and a lack of healthy outlets. Therefore,
high-intensity cardio that makes you freaking sweat is not just something I do
to stay fit, it’s a way of coping with the everyday stresses of life!

#3. I am not superwoman- Ugh! This one was really hard to admit. I would really like to be everything I can and do everything I can for everyone I can. Truth is, if I’m not taking care of my needs, the core needs of me, I can’t do anything for anyone. I’ve learned that sometimes my needs include asking for help. For example, could someone please unload the dishwasher while I cook dinner, pack lunches, feed the dog, help with homework, oh and start pulling together the materials for Aaden’s festive sweater attire? Sometimes this means giving up things that we are really holding onto that are just no longer serving us the way we need to provide more space in the calendar for self-care. This one is a constant practice for me but I feel proud going into 2019 having retired the cape and finally found my voice.
#4. Therapy isn't for sissies- Ok, by now you might be thinking.. whoa- this girl is cray cray and her last year was WACK! and this is only part true 😉. I actually had an amazing year of personal development and growth. I turned 30 this year(and my body freaking changed), I celebrated one year of marriage to an amazing husband after many years of co-parenting and living w/ Aaden alone, I made a pretty significant career change, and I FOR SURE bit off more than I could reasonably chew 95% of the time. What I learned is that facing some of our biggest fears, challenges, and uncomfortably is freaking HARD. Coping with sad news, making life changing decisions, and navigating big deal changes is no walk in the doggie park my friends. So, masking those feelings with a maxed out schedule seems like a better alternative, right? When there are the really good days that I tell myself I've totally got this and the therapy cray cray biz is for the birds, life happens and I'm quickly reminded to remember how I felt a year ago vs. today, I get out my gratitude journal and I write the top three things I am grateful for:
1. My Health
2. My Family & Friends
3. My Darn Good Therapist
Cheers to 2019, my friends and every new day that we get to gracefully keep working on being the best version of who we are. #Shameless
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