Glorifying Busy
Typically when someone asks me how I am doing or what I have been up to my immediate knee jerk reaction is "I've been busy!" and then I usually follow it with a "but... it's all good". I'm really not sure why I feel the need to add the "but" on there and provide an explanation for my busy life. For a while I was really trying to make a conscious effort not to respond to this question by telling people about how busy I was but realized my answer would end up being more like.... "Things are so good! I am working about 8-9 hours each day of the week trying hard to improve the lives of others, teaching four exercise classes that I plan mostly late at night, after I have ensured that my ten year old has had dinner that support all food groups, showered his stinky soccer cleat toes, checked his completed homework, read to him, kissed him goodnight, packed the lunches for tomorrow and managed to have at least a thirty minute conversation with my super sexy husband.".... "Oh,and you know... weekends are usually spent doing some form of housework because we have 56 hundred square feet of a roof over our heads that we absolutely adore keeping clean and cozy for my family. If we are not doing some form of work around the house, we are usually traveling around the county looking for the correct soccer field, praying to the universe that we have both shin guards and will make it on time." This would really only be about half of my response but to spare all my readers with what I do to keep myself healthy, etc.
For a while I was really trying to "slow down" and stop "glorifying busy" (like it was a bad thing). I think maybe one of my egos really wants to be that Zen Yoga Instructor that uses mindful practices to tell her when she's hungry, full, sleepy or happy. You know that kind that can hold a freaking tree pose in the perfect position after hiking six miles up a mountain to the tippy top and somehow managed to capture this perfectness for their essential oil infused instagram feed. Doesn't that sound so good? Welp, that's not my reality! And if this is your reality, PROPS to you my friend!!!!
Our life is in a constant state of a busy, which I wouldn't trade for all the yoga classes and essential oils in the world. Life is about living and our definition of this includes full schedules, family time, extra curricular activties, volunteering, etc. Sometimes the pace of our life can cause stress and anxiety, especially when I am not taking care of myself but I recently listened to a TEDTalk about stress and how it's truly only harmful to us if we perceive it to be. Kelly McGonigal tells us to go after what it is that creates meaning in our lives and trust that we can handle the stressful situations.
Don't believe me? Watch her TedTalk here!
So my dear friends, when you respond to my inquiry of how you're doing with "It's busy", I totally get you, honor you and hope that you too find this as something to be grateful for.
For a while I was really trying to "slow down" and stop "glorifying busy" (like it was a bad thing). I think maybe one of my egos really wants to be that Zen Yoga Instructor that uses mindful practices to tell her when she's hungry, full, sleepy or happy. You know that kind that can hold a freaking tree pose in the perfect position after hiking six miles up a mountain to the tippy top and somehow managed to capture this perfectness for their essential oil infused instagram feed. Doesn't that sound so good? Welp, that's not my reality! And if this is your reality, PROPS to you my friend!!!!
Our life is in a constant state of a busy, which I wouldn't trade for all the yoga classes and essential oils in the world. Life is about living and our definition of this includes full schedules, family time, extra curricular activties, volunteering, etc. Sometimes the pace of our life can cause stress and anxiety, especially when I am not taking care of myself but I recently listened to a TEDTalk about stress and how it's truly only harmful to us if we perceive it to be. Kelly McGonigal tells us to go after what it is that creates meaning in our lives and trust that we can handle the stressful situations.
Don't believe me? Watch her TedTalk here!
So my dear friends, when you respond to my inquiry of how you're doing with "It's busy", I totally get you, honor you and hope that you too find this as something to be grateful for.
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